TRANSDOR Dorota Chlechowicz it’s a shipping company, specializes in transport of above-average loads. Our long time experience on the market gives you guarantee of a professionalism based on door to door service.

Each year our company develop, we rely on the most modern equipment which is available on the market – thus we have gained the trust of many customers. Full committed team takes care of every detail of services, starting from planning, through preparation and finalization of projects.


The company provides a specialized, over-average transport, transport of construction and agricultural machines and technological constructions.We also render a pilotage service. Our fleet consists of 2, 3 and 4-axial Scania tractors. Those cars are equipped with GPS, what gives the possibility to control the vehicle localization. At the same time, we keep in touch with our drivers. We also own highly specialized semitrailers like: FAYMONVILLE, GOLDHOFER and NOOTEBOOM, which enable the transport of the most unusual loads.

TRANSDOR Company possesses full insurance, accurate permissions, certificates and licence for international road transport. Our drivers have got years of experience in above-average transport and they’re qualified.

We provide service in countries of whole Europe (Scandinavia, Baltic States, southern part of Europe and the Iberian Peninsula and Ireland along with Great Britain).


We invite you to familiarize with the detailed description of our fleet: